Whiplash Case Study, Jackie’s Story

Active Family Chiropractic
Chad Welter DC
High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) Case Studies

Neck Pain

Equipment: 30W AB, C Series Laser
Protocol Treatment Settings: Head & Neck/ Disc Herniation/ Disc Pathologies

Jackie, a 47 year old, had been in a severe car wreck two years prior and exhibited the typical whiplash symptoms. She was given the traditional whiplash assessments and provided general treatment protocols. When none of the treatments worked, she elected to have surgery on her neck, which was unsuccessful in mitigating her intense pain.

She was then prescribed Oxycontin and given cortisone injections for 2+ years. She was in the process of applying for disability and had given up hope she could be free from pain or return to her ‘regular life’ before the vehicle crash.

Jackie had had multiple bulging discs and clinicians suggested her next move was to place an intradural stimulator in her neck. The short trial with the intradural device caused worse headaches, radiating pain down her arm and constant bloody noses. High Intensity Laser Medical Treatment was her last resort. After reviewing her MRI, our team was confident we could help with regular application of Class IV medical laser therapy.

Within 3 weeks, our practice had her off all pain medications, she was returning to exercising regularly and actively looking for jobs.

Learn more about Jackie’s story, KSHB Action News Chanel 41, KC Live Segment