Sciatica Case Study, Former MLB All Star Pitcher

Active Family Chiropractic
Chad Welter DC
High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) Case Studies


Equipment: 30W AB, C Series Laser
Protocol Treatment Settings: Sciatica

An 80 year old former MLB All Star Pitcher, Phil, had been sleeping in a dining room chair for 6 months because laying down caused terrible sciatica (stabbing, shooting pain).

He hadn’t been able attend his favorite pastime, Kansas City Royals games in a few years…walking to Royals Stadium was too difficult due to his level of pain.

After 12 treatments with our clinic’s Laser Advanced High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) equipment, he was able to sleep in bed and walk to the stadium without pain or difficulty! Additionally, this former athlete did not have to take any pain killers; allowing him to drive, maintain his independence/ mobility and significantly improved the quality of his life.